Monday, March 9, 2009

Random Ramblers Crew Caught By A Troll That Didn’t Want Tacos????

Hey there friends we are back after a long week. Coen is officially eight and had a really fun party at Skate King. Our original plans were to go see the Fremont Troll on Saturday but between Lisa and I we couldn’t make the scheduling happen so we decided instead to adventure out on Sunday.

On Sunday morning my best friend and our special guest this week Anna woke me up. I slept in late because baby Kalyx wasn’t feeling well the night before and I was up at midnight giving her a bath and changing her sheets. She vomited in her sleep! My poor baby girl was not happy. So anyways that was the reason for our late start. Everyone quickly got ready so we could go to Herfy’s to pick up my good friend Lisa. As always Lisa was waiting in the parking lot for us to arrive. Lisa hopped in with Anna and we headed back to my place to get the bloody battery for my flippin camera. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…..

Battery in hand we are finally able to head for the Troll. Once on the freeway I lose Anna she only does about 40 MPH on the freeway. Poor Lisa was all I could think. After the troll Anna has plans to move to Anaheim California. This will be our last adventure for a long time. She thinks she will make it in two days, but if you do the math 40 MPH? I think she will make it in four days.

When we arrive at the Troll there is plenty of parking for free YAY!!! All of us climb out of the car to see what this troll has to offer. As we round the corner there stands a humongous statue of a Troll that is perched on an old school VW Bug with the back window barely readable saying “Just Married!”. I immediately start snapping pictures. Coen and Cadin start to climb on the troll Lisa and Kalyx are next with help up I join in as well. While we are on the troll Anna snaps some fun shots of us. This turns out to be a really quick trip. There isn’t much to do at the troll, but is something everyone should see once. Lisa told me that they made the troll there to make it a tourist attraction. There used to be a lot of gang related activity under the bridge so by making the troll a tourist attraction the gangs have moved their suspicious behaviors elsewhere. Lisa and I are thinking of starting a gang on the other side of the bridge so maybe they will make another cool statue to go look at. If you would like to join our gang just let me know. Experience with guns is preferable. “Yo Home Skillet!”

I saw a sign on the way to the troll that said Fremont Sunday Market. I discussed with the crew and our special guest that we should probably venture over to this market and see about some lunch. They agreed and the Troll decided to stay. The market was within walking distance so we wandered there immediately. Along the way I took some pictures of some random art. Fremont has the most artistic looking glass blown street lights. I wished it was night so we could see them lit up. I also took a picture of a huge statue of a skipper looking guy. I don’t know the significance of this statue but would like to know why it is there.

At the market I follow my nose to low and behold a taqueria!! los agaves!! I was a little taken aback by the sight I saw. They had a huge piece of what I later found out was pork on some kind of cooking apparatus. It looked so yummy. I talked to the Chef and he assured me I would love his tacos. I told him we would be back to sample a few tacos. As we walked down the path further I spied corn on the cob Mexicano style. Corn on the cob lathered in mayo, cheese and chile sprinkles. This too would deserve a visit on the way back. Just further down the path Lisa notices a big brick oven that is making fresh pizza right there all of us agreed to stop there as well. Cadin caught a glimpse of some Chinese cuisine that also made our menu.

All of the stands had so many different items for purchase. It was quite nice to stop in and see all the wares. My favorite place where I actually purchased a shirt is ran by a guy, the artist himself Boma Cho. Boma is quite a friendly guy who makes amazing shirts. He designs the shirts and clothing himself!! His work is amazing. I hope it holds up in the wash. I don’t know if you notice on my blog, I wear the same shirt every week. Jimi Hendrix. My shirt is worn out and tattered, it is finally time to upgrade my shirt. His ability to sell his product is also remarkable. He offered me to try on his shirts and also knocked $5.00 off the awesome Jimi Hendrix shirt that I eventually bought. Thank you, Boma! I will be back for my jacket next week. You make some sweet clothes.

After purchasing my shirt our tummy’s decided to B-line to los agaves to try out the delicious looking tacos. Chef Alfredo Mendez prepared us 5 tacos to sample. I could hardly wait to sink my teeth in to my taco. My first bite was delicioso so was Lisa’s, Coen’s, Kalyx’s, Cadin’s and Anna’s. We all agreed los agaves is the place in Fremont to eat tacos. Friendly staff and delicious tacos are my favorite things in life. I will be back for more tacos Mr. Mendez, I will bring friends too. Muy Bien! By the way this chef cater’s too. Here is a link to his email if you are at all interested.

Tacos barely down our throats we head to the corn stand. I ordered 3 corn on the cobs. Cadin and I shared and Anna and Lisa had their own. The very nice lady lathered our corn with mayo, sprinkled it with cheese and chile seasoning. The corn on the cob was piping hot. I think I burned my mouth not being able to hold back from taking my first bite. Once again delicioso! I had to get this dish because it reminded me of when I lived in Texas. Outside of stores in Dallas, amigos sell corn in a cup with mayo, sprinkles of cheese and Tapatio. I prefer it in a cup but, it was still good on the cob. Baby Kalyx Loved It!

While still eating our corn we head to the Chinese place Cadin wanted to try. We ordered Potstickers and Hum Bows. I am not a fan of Hum Bow but always try them to see if I will change my mind. First bite of the Hum Bow is a big No for me Lisa also agrees. Anna won’t touch them, Coen and Kalyx either. Cadin is the biggest fan of the Hum Bow. I am sure if Jason would have been there he would have loved them. He loves a good Hum Bow. Speaking of Jason he was supposed to join us on this adventure, but because it changed to Sunday he had to work. He promises to be our special guest someday.

Now that we are all seated and the corn is almost gone I decided to go get pizza all around from the Veraci pizza place. I ordered pepperoni for Anna and the kids and Spinich for Lisa and I. When I bring the pizza back everyone is too full. What are we to do? Eat the pizza. Luckily I had the woman slice the pieces in half so we wouldn’t die of overeating. Anna took the leftovers on her move. The pizza was pretty good. Not the best I have ever had, but an honorable mention. I apparently interrupted the dude making the pizza he directed me to the line in a salty manner. I made my way in line and got my sodas and pizza. After eating the pizza I wondered why the man was so salty towards me. The pizza was good not excellent so why the arrogance? He must have been busy? Who knows? After he reads this he might change his mind how he treats his customers. I do have to throw one thing in though, once he realized he offended me he did try to back track to make a smoother appearance. Thank heavens because I was on the verge of down-right throwing the place under the bus. I am not a fan of the soup or pizza Nazi. Catch my drift?

We sat in the street to ingest the abundance of food we bought and had a wonderful time chit chatting and watching Kalyx eat the rest of the corn on the cob. She wouldn’t eat anything else. We realized we were so close for Anna to leave and were saddened that we probably won’t see her for a very long time. We finished, and gave our leftovers to her for her loooooong trip. As we headed back I noticed an orange splot sign that directed us to an alley. We decided to take this detour. When we made it down the stairs we saw a mural with cool art next to an art shop. I don’t think I included another picture that we ran in to on one of our previous adventures that randomly said “HENRY?” On this same wall the same exact way the art spelled “HENRY?” Who the hell is HENRY any way?

We reached our cars and said our goodbyes to Anna. I had to hold back tears. She is my best friend in the whole wide world. We should have been born sisters. I often refer to her as my sister. I will miss her sooooo…. much. I hope she finds what she is looking for.

All is well here! We had a good time this weekend. We will miss Anna! I hope you tune in next week for our next adventure that may include depending on the weather, Locked in Chili. See if you can figure that one out. Over and out good buddies. Have an awesome week!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, I had the best time as a guest with the RAMBLING RAMBLERS! This was my first trip with them, and unfortunately, it was my last. I moved to Costa Mesa, California, later that day. And no, it didn't take four days, lol. I drove the speed limit (for a change).

    I think everyone should accompany Tania and the Ramblers at least once; it's a great experience. Hell, if I still lived there, I'd go on all the adventures. Keep doing what you're doing, Tania. You've got something good going.

